Monday, August 25, 2008

Scope and Sequences

From Life Take 1

Worldbook -- This is the one that I use the most off and has the national standards for each grade PK-12 available.

ABeka -- has scope and sequence for their programs for 2 years - 12th grade. Just another reference point for you to use.

Michelle Lewis Skills List -- This is another one that I use personally. Has a list of things your child should know when for ages 2-5. This tends to be on the advanced side of things so I would use the 2 yr old list for my 3 yr old, etc...

Core Knowledge -- scope and sequence at a glance. This is the program that was designed to over haul the public school system. This is optional and most districts have not implemented it but it still gives you a good baseline for what your child would be taught if they were attending a public school. Also check out their resources page.

Core Knowledge is the producer of a series called "What your ....... grader needs to know" They have a book for each year PK-6. Do not use the PK one. I had it and sold it. It is not applicable to homeschooling and is not in the same format and the other books. The other books are textbook format and make a great supplement to your curriculum. I use it as a checklist to make sure that we have covered it all for the school year. These tend to fall behind the Core levels by a year.

Pearson Learning Group -- this is the scope and sequence they use to develop their various products.

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