Friday, November 28, 2008
Camping 2008
We went on a family camping trip in August. We invited the whole clan but only my Dad could make it. We are hoping to plan another one here in April.

Nick (Misty's Dad), Dan holding Zac, Ben, and Kris.
Life Skills for Boys
From Life Take 1
I have been looking everywhere for a list of things every man should know when he leaves his parents home. I have found nothing. I have found plenty on things little girls should know but nothing about boys. So.... with the help of my husband, some homeschool friends, and with my own boys as guinea pigs ... I am determined to make my own list. This is a work in progress obviously and I will need all of your help. PLEASE ... if you think of anything to add, email me. I will be trying to divide the list first into catergories and then by age and/or grade ranges. Maybe even through in a few ideas on how to implement all of this ... who knows we will see how it will develop. Maybe it will even turn into a book someday. Whatever God has in store ... will be perfect for me! And so not to exclude anyone ... these ideas could also be used for little girls as well.
General Resources
There are quite a few books available written about boys but nothing has what I am looking for exactly as I stated before. However, there are a few resources that are great at teaching life skills aimed at both genders. I have listed these below. These books cover multiple areas. For books on a particular subject ... please look under the appropriate heading.
For Use With The Kids:
Life Skills for Kids: Equipping Your Child For The Real World by Christine Field
Plants Grow Up
Contenders of Faith
Man in Demand
Christian Manhood
Preparing For Every Man's Battle
For The Parents:
Raising A Modern Day Knight
Books For Boys
Bringing Up Boys
Future Men
Boyhood and Beyond
Preparing Sons o Provide for a Single-Income Family by Steven Maxwell
C hores
18 months - PK:
Help with picking up
Imitate cleaning in play
Can put things in trash when asked
Can bring things to you when asked
Cooperates with directions given
Helps make the bed by placing pillow and stuffed animals on bed after it is made
Helps put dirty laundry in the laundry basket
Pick up toys and belongs; put in proper places
Put Away Laundry Piles
Sort Laundry
Help younger siblings
Help mom or dad upon request
Put plate and cup on counter near sink
Set the table
Turns off lights when leaving a room
1st-3rd grade:
Carry laundry and have it remain folded correct to the rooms it goes in
Fold laundry
Unload the dishwasher
Make Bed independently
Feeds pets
Empty small trash can
Help bring in groceries
Knows address, phone number, and full name
Know full names of parents and siblings
Street Safety
Knows to look both ways before crossing street (Stop, Look, and Listen rule)
Knows to always cross in the crosswalk or at a corner
Knows what the meaning of stop lights are (and each color)
Knows what a stop sign is
4th-6th grade:
Load the dish washer/wash dishes
Start a load of laundry and complete it ... to where everything is put away neatly
Clear table and put away left overs, etc.
Empty trash cans
Put away grocerries without help
Wash Windows
Clean bathroom counters and sink
Clean Microwave
Sweep Tile (or vacuum it like I do)
Answering Door
7th grade - adult:
Clean entire bathroom
Mop floors
Clean oven
Clean Refrigerator
Defrost Freezer
Handling Solictors
Important Papers
what are they
how to keep them safe (filing in a fire safe box)
Knows what to use to clean any surface in the home, where to purchase it, and how to clean that surface without any outside help from mom or dad
Able to see what needs to be done and does it on his own
18 months - PK:
Says Please
Says Thank you
Says Your Welcome
Sits or Stands quietly during a short family prayer time
Says Excuse me
Waits to start eating until after a prayer has been said
Resource: Boys First Book of Manners
Says yes/no ma'am/sir
Says God Bless you for sneezes and coughs
Open some doors for mom and sisters (depends on weight of door)
Child learns not to interrupt
Child answers phone with "------- residence. Please hold." and nothing else even if it is Dad or Grandma on the other line. You never know if he is mistaking a voice or not. How many times have you made that same mistake even as an adult?
Resource: Everyday Graces
1st-3rd grade:
Can answer phone and take messages when needed
Holds doors for elderly, woman, when someone needs help
Offers assistance when appropriate
Resource: Little Book of Manners for Boys
Treats others with Respect at all times
18 months - PK:
Washes hands with help
Tend to potty needs with help
Requires help dressing self
Requires help brushing teeth
Washes hands alone
Tends to potty needs alone
Brushes Teeth alone
Some assistance needed with bathing but beginning to do it on own
Brushes hair with minimal assistance
Sex Education
Resource: The Story of Me (God's Design For Sex Series)
Knows that he is a boy
Knows differences between boys and girls, moms and dads
Stranger Danger
Knows what a stranger is
Knows who to go to for helps
Knows what to do if seperated from parents
1st-3rd grade:
Sex Education
Resource: Before I was Born (God's Design For Sex Series)
What is an Emergency
Introduce the topic of drugs and alcohol
what is peer pressure
how to say no
Living a Healthy life style
proper nutrition
how to handle stress properly
4-6th grade:
How to tie a tie
Cleaning up vomit
deodrant and cologne
Sex Education
Resource: What's The Big Deal (God's Design For Sex Series)
Knows how to purchase own clothing and shoes
shopping on a budget
purchasing what you need first then what you want
finding out if you can afford your wants
knowing your sizes
how to tell if things fit properly
How to shave
Sex Education
Resource: Facing the Facts (God's Design For Sex Series) -- to be done around 7th grade or so.
what is a menstrual cycle -- uncomfortable, why the blood, no deroggatory remarks
caring for an illness
Routine Medical Care
how to talk with medical professionals
explaining the problem
When to go the doctor
importance of yearly exams
family medical history
Refresher course on CPR for all age groups; get a card
how to trim hair
making sure side burns are even
how to get a haircut
comparing costs
describing what you want
where to go
Matters of Self-Control
Sexually and otherwise ... (I think you all know what I mean here and some of the resources at the top helps you prepare your little man for this as he grows. Now we are expecting him to do this on his own. All the time.)
Basics to work on through out:
Basic first aid
Administers medication to others
Visit the following websites for specific information
Creating a First Aid Kit
Visit the following websites for list of supplies
Disaster/Emergency Preparations
visit the following sites for specific information:
Take an Emergency Management Course at your local College
How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
How to pour himself a drink
Assists with baking
baking bread
cooking a meal
proper nutrition
the food pyramid
using the microwave
using the oven
using the stove
using other kitchen appliances
chopping veggies
slicing fruit
grating cheese
how to follow a recipe
food safety during preparations
meat temperatures for safe cooking
Get a food handlers card
how to make coffee, tea, hot cocoa
How to handle knives
How to sharpen Knives
Hot Oil Safety
What to do if there is a....
grease fire
electrical fire
general fire
use of a fire estingquisher
Cars Repair and Maintenance
Resource: How Our Car Works by Larry Burkett
1st - 3rd grade:
Learning the names for various parts of the car
Changing the Oil
Fixing a Flat Tire
Changing the Wiper Blades
Filling Brake Fluid
Filling Transmission Fluid
Maintenance Checks
Putting on Snow Chains
De-Icing a Windshield
Wash a car
Wax a car
Detail a car
Change the spark plugs
Change the oil filter
Change the air filter
Putting air in the tires
Checking the tire pressure
Filling the window washer fluid
tightening belts
fixing the breaks
learning the parts to a car
changing a fuse
changing a light bulb
putting on the tags
vehicle registration
getting insurance
driver's education
defensive driving course
learning to drive a stick and an automatic
How to stabalize a car and use a jack
how to put gas in a car
How to get estimates for work that needs to be done
for your car
for your home
Purchasing car parts
comparing prices
where to go
What to do when your car breaks down
on a freeway
in the middle of the street
in the middle of no where
in an emergency
How to tell when something is wrong with the car
gauges indicating there is a problem
strange noises
What to do when your car overheats
Home Repair and Maintenance
Visit Home Improvement Store and become familiar with the various sections and types of things they carry
Plant a garden, learn to care for it with assistance
Pull weeds with assistance
Water with assistance
How to clean up spills
Resource: How Our House Works by Larry Burkett
1st - 3rd Grade:
raking leaves
Cleaning deck furniture
Shoveling Snow
Sweeping sidewalks
Using phone functions (caller id, speeding dialing, ....)
How to Climb a Ladder Safely
bug killing
recognizes non-posions bugs
able to step on them or squish them with a paper towel and throw them in the trash
Hosing off sidewalks
Proper care of tools
Proper use of tools
screw drivers (phillips, flathead)
hand saws
power tools
tape measure
safety equipment
dust mask or respirator
leather gloves
hard hat
steel-toed boots
learn about various trades and equipment used
4th -6th Grade:
Cleaning the bar-b-que
Grocery Shopping
how to pick fresh produce
checking for expiration dates
comparing prices (price per unit)
Furniture Care
oiling wood
oiling leather
flipping mattress
hiring companies to clean
other items
Basic Sewing
how to sew on a button
repairing a simple tear
How to Iron
How to Change a light bulb
touch ups
filling holes
how to mask off
Proper lifting of heavy items
Moving Furniture and other items
Connecting electronics (ie tv, dvd, vcr, stereo)
Getting grease stains out of the garage
When to call a repair man
Proper way to clean up broken glass
Disposing of hazard materials
Building a bird house
Staining or Restaining Furniture
7th Grade - Adult:
pest control (using raid or other products)
Renting Your First Apartment
World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Renting Your First Apartment
mowing the yard
unclogging sinks
Fixing appliances
garbage disposal (reset button)
refrigerator (adjusting temp)
fixing leaks
Wall Paper
Hanging Pictures
Cleaning a pool
How to use a weed wacker
How to trim a tree
How to trim a bush
Cleaning gutters
Tune up a lawn mower
How to replace door locks
Basic plumbing
Turning water off at appliance
Turning water off at the main (to the whole house)
Unclogging the toliet
Unclogging the drain
Cleaning the drain
Replacing a u-joint
Unclogging a garbage disposal
Fixing a running toliet
How to Replace a Washer
How to protect pipes from freezing
Fixing a leaking toliet
Basic tile installation
Basic electrical
Turning electricity off to appliance
Circuit Breakers
turning off the main
turning off to various parts of the home
proper labeling
How to repair a drive way
How to add a sidewalk with either brick or concrete
Relocating ~ out of state, in state
Shampoo the Carpet
How to cut firewood
Better Homes & Gardens ...... Making a Home: Housekeeping for Real Life (This book covers more than just cleaning. This is a how-to guide for every aspect of your home from purchasing items including furniture to etiquette and entertaining. From stain removal to organization. A must have for everyone of your children as they prepare to take on the world along. ISBN: 0-696-21203-x)
constructing simple shelves
Assemblying furniture and other items
How to turn the gas off to an appliance
How to turn the gas off to the house
Simple Drywall Repair
Basic Landscaping principles
protect plants from freezing
A Man's Tool Box:
We feel that it is important for every young man to leave home with a well stocked quality tool box. When our sons begin first grade, they each recieved a tool box with his initials clearly on it (so as not confuse with Dads or brothers) and a few tools. The first tools our sons recieved were a level, a tape measure, and safety goggles. Each year, as they learn more about the home and cars ... they will get new tools to add to their collection. Their tools represent things that they have learned to do. Whenever a project is to be done .... each little man gets out his own tools. All tool boxes are located in the garage, where they belong. When our oldest son got his, our little ones felt left out so we bought them aprons at the home improvement store. They were just as thrilled with this and their toy tools as big brother with the tool box. Just a note, Kris got his apron and first set of tools (plasic in a plastic tool box) when he was a year old. These have been a favorite ever since. They also have play hard hats.
Throwing a ball
Catching a ball
Kicking a ball
Basic Rules for
Rock Climbing
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Sit Ups
Arm Wrestling
Olympic sports
Self defense course
Ice Skating
Roller Skating
Lifting Weights
Warming up and Cooling Down
Riding a Bike
Playing team sports
Being a great loser
Being a humble winner
Slow dancing
on a date
Outdoor and Survival Skills
how to put up a tent
what to pack
where to go
rules for safety
collecting firewood
starting a fire
starting a fire
how to tell when its done
What to do when encountering a wild animal
What to do when lost
What to do during a flood
How to tie a know
Able to identify common plants and animals to the area where you live
Can use a compass
Boiling water for safe drinking
How to plan a trip
map reading
safety percautions
transportation issues
plane, train, car, boat, ....
Home preparations for natural disasters .. ie what to do during a
earth quake
how to clean
how to care for
how to use
where to store it
naming various parts
Resource: Lets Go To The Store by Larry Burkett
Resource: Lets Count by Larry Burkett
1st-3rd Grade:
Resource: All About Money by Larry Burkett
How to save money
Resource: Money Matters for Kids by Larry Burkett
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Your First Savings Plan by Larry Burkett (This should be read aloud to your child. They can re-read it on there own later for a refresher course.
Open up a savings account in the child's name
4th - 6th Grade:
Resource: Money Matters for Kids Planner by Larry Burkett
7th grade - Adult:
Resource: Money Matters for Teens Workbook by Larry Burkett
How to purchase a home
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Buying Your First Home by Larry Burkett
How to purchase a car
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Buying Your First Car by Larry Burkett
How to purchase furniture
How to make investments
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Planning Your First Investment by Larry Burkett
The Stock Market
How to balance a check book
How to open a bank account
Donating to charities
How to write a check
no SSN number on the check
numbers as words
no empty spaces
your signature
making a budget (and sticking to it!)
Choosing a loan by comparing interest rates
Financial Planning
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Creating Your First Financial Plan by Larry Burkett
Credit Cards
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Getting Your First Credit Card by Larry Burkett
Preparing Tax Forms
Doing it yourself vs. hiring an accountant
How to buy flowers
How to make dinner reservations
Planning a night out (focusing on things you both like to do or she likes to do ... not just what you want.)
Getting a baby sitter (okay ... this could also be a fatherhood skill but I stuck it here.)
Buying appropriate gifts
Remembering important dates
Conflict Resolution
Abstinence and other options
Sex Education (see self care for specifics)
Personality Types
Basic Psychology
World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Family Relationships by Larry Burkett
Dating Rules
Characteristics of a spouse
How to buy jewelry
Preparing for Fatherhood
How to Change a Diaper
How to Make a bottle
How to pack a diaper bag
How to Give baby a bath
proper temp
what to use
those funny little hooded towels
The cost of little people
planning for their futures (wedding, college)
all those things they need
all those things they want
medical expensenses both before and after the are born
paying for an education (private school, home school, extra-curricular activities)
Job Skills and College
College Admission Applications
Getting Your First Job
World's Easiest Pocket Guide To Finding Your First Full Time Job by Larry Burkett
How to Write a Resume
Job Interviews
what to wear
what to expect
what to say
sending a thank you letter afterwards
Filling out a job application
Exploring various Careers
Online resume sites
Head Hunters
Time Management Skills
Setting Priorities
Organizational Skills
Basic Understanding of popular programs ... Microsoft
Email Etiquette
I have been looking everywhere for a list of things every man should know when he leaves his parents home. I have found nothing. I have found plenty on things little girls should know but nothing about boys. So.... with the help of my husband, some homeschool friends, and with my own boys as guinea pigs ... I am determined to make my own list. This is a work in progress obviously and I will need all of your help. PLEASE ... if you think of anything to add, email me. I will be trying to divide the list first into catergories and then by age and/or grade ranges. Maybe even through in a few ideas on how to implement all of this ... who knows we will see how it will develop. Maybe it will even turn into a book someday. Whatever God has in store ... will be perfect for me! And so not to exclude anyone ... these ideas could also be used for little girls as well.
General Resources
There are quite a few books available written about boys but nothing has what I am looking for exactly as I stated before. However, there are a few resources that are great at teaching life skills aimed at both genders. I have listed these below. These books cover multiple areas. For books on a particular subject ... please look under the appropriate heading.
For Use With The Kids:
Life Skills for Kids: Equipping Your Child For The Real World by Christine Field
Plants Grow Up
Contenders of Faith
Man in Demand
Christian Manhood
Preparing For Every Man's Battle
For The Parents:
Raising A Modern Day Knight
Books For Boys
Bringing Up Boys
Future Men
Boyhood and Beyond
Preparing Sons o Provide for a Single-Income Family by Steven Maxwell
C hores
18 months - PK:
Help with picking up
Imitate cleaning in play
Can put things in trash when asked
Can bring things to you when asked
Cooperates with directions given
Helps make the bed by placing pillow and stuffed animals on bed after it is made
Helps put dirty laundry in the laundry basket
Pick up toys and belongs; put in proper places
Put Away Laundry Piles
Sort Laundry
Help younger siblings
Help mom or dad upon request
Put plate and cup on counter near sink
Set the table
Turns off lights when leaving a room
1st-3rd grade:
Carry laundry and have it remain folded correct to the rooms it goes in
Fold laundry
Unload the dishwasher
Make Bed independently
Feeds pets
Empty small trash can
Help bring in groceries
Knows address, phone number, and full name
Know full names of parents and siblings
Street Safety
Knows to look both ways before crossing street (Stop, Look, and Listen rule)
Knows to always cross in the crosswalk or at a corner
Knows what the meaning of stop lights are (and each color)
Knows what a stop sign is
4th-6th grade:
Load the dish washer/wash dishes
Start a load of laundry and complete it ... to where everything is put away neatly
Clear table and put away left overs, etc.
Empty trash cans
Put away grocerries without help
Wash Windows
Clean bathroom counters and sink
Clean Microwave
Sweep Tile (or vacuum it like I do)
Answering Door
7th grade - adult:
Clean entire bathroom
Mop floors
Clean oven
Clean Refrigerator
Defrost Freezer
Handling Solictors
Important Papers
what are they
how to keep them safe (filing in a fire safe box)
Knows what to use to clean any surface in the home, where to purchase it, and how to clean that surface without any outside help from mom or dad
Able to see what needs to be done and does it on his own
18 months - PK:
Says Please
Says Thank you
Says Your Welcome
Sits or Stands quietly during a short family prayer time
Says Excuse me
Waits to start eating until after a prayer has been said
Resource: Boys First Book of Manners
Says yes/no ma'am/sir
Says God Bless you for sneezes and coughs
Open some doors for mom and sisters (depends on weight of door)
Child learns not to interrupt
Child answers phone with "------- residence. Please hold." and nothing else even if it is Dad or Grandma on the other line. You never know if he is mistaking a voice or not. How many times have you made that same mistake even as an adult?
Resource: Everyday Graces
1st-3rd grade:
Can answer phone and take messages when needed
Holds doors for elderly, woman, when someone needs help
Offers assistance when appropriate
Resource: Little Book of Manners for Boys
Treats others with Respect at all times
18 months - PK:
Washes hands with help
Tend to potty needs with help
Requires help dressing self
Requires help brushing teeth
Washes hands alone
Tends to potty needs alone
Brushes Teeth alone
Some assistance needed with bathing but beginning to do it on own
Brushes hair with minimal assistance
Sex Education
Resource: The Story of Me (God's Design For Sex Series)
Knows that he is a boy
Knows differences between boys and girls, moms and dads
Stranger Danger
Knows what a stranger is
Knows who to go to for helps
Knows what to do if seperated from parents
1st-3rd grade:
Sex Education
Resource: Before I was Born (God's Design For Sex Series)
What is an Emergency
Introduce the topic of drugs and alcohol
what is peer pressure
how to say no
Living a Healthy life style
proper nutrition
how to handle stress properly
4-6th grade:
How to tie a tie
Cleaning up vomit
deodrant and cologne
Sex Education
Resource: What's The Big Deal (God's Design For Sex Series)
Knows how to purchase own clothing and shoes
shopping on a budget
purchasing what you need first then what you want
finding out if you can afford your wants
knowing your sizes
how to tell if things fit properly
How to shave
Sex Education
Resource: Facing the Facts (God's Design For Sex Series) -- to be done around 7th grade or so.
what is a menstrual cycle -- uncomfortable, why the blood, no deroggatory remarks
caring for an illness
Routine Medical Care
how to talk with medical professionals
explaining the problem
When to go the doctor
importance of yearly exams
family medical history
Refresher course on CPR for all age groups; get a card
how to trim hair
making sure side burns are even
how to get a haircut
comparing costs
describing what you want
where to go
Matters of Self-Control
Sexually and otherwise ... (I think you all know what I mean here and some of the resources at the top helps you prepare your little man for this as he grows. Now we are expecting him to do this on his own. All the time.)
Basics to work on through out:
Basic first aid
Administers medication to others
Visit the following websites for specific information
Creating a First Aid Kit
Visit the following websites for list of supplies
Disaster/Emergency Preparations
visit the following sites for specific information:
Take an Emergency Management Course at your local College
How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
How to pour himself a drink
Assists with baking
baking bread
cooking a meal
proper nutrition
the food pyramid
using the microwave
using the oven
using the stove
using other kitchen appliances
chopping veggies
slicing fruit
grating cheese
how to follow a recipe
food safety during preparations
meat temperatures for safe cooking
Get a food handlers card
how to make coffee, tea, hot cocoa
How to handle knives
How to sharpen Knives
Hot Oil Safety
What to do if there is a....
grease fire
electrical fire
general fire
use of a fire estingquisher
Cars Repair and Maintenance
Resource: How Our Car Works by Larry Burkett
1st - 3rd grade:
Learning the names for various parts of the car
Changing the Oil
Fixing a Flat Tire
Changing the Wiper Blades
Filling Brake Fluid
Filling Transmission Fluid
Maintenance Checks
Putting on Snow Chains
De-Icing a Windshield
Wash a car
Wax a car
Detail a car
Change the spark plugs
Change the oil filter
Change the air filter
Putting air in the tires
Checking the tire pressure
Filling the window washer fluid
tightening belts
fixing the breaks
learning the parts to a car
changing a fuse
changing a light bulb
putting on the tags
vehicle registration
getting insurance
driver's education
defensive driving course
learning to drive a stick and an automatic
How to stabalize a car and use a jack
how to put gas in a car
How to get estimates for work that needs to be done
for your car
for your home
Purchasing car parts
comparing prices
where to go
What to do when your car breaks down
on a freeway
in the middle of the street
in the middle of no where
in an emergency
How to tell when something is wrong with the car
gauges indicating there is a problem
strange noises
What to do when your car overheats
Home Repair and Maintenance
Visit Home Improvement Store and become familiar with the various sections and types of things they carry
Plant a garden, learn to care for it with assistance
Pull weeds with assistance
Water with assistance
How to clean up spills
Resource: How Our House Works by Larry Burkett
1st - 3rd Grade:
raking leaves
Cleaning deck furniture
Shoveling Snow
Sweeping sidewalks
Using phone functions (caller id, speeding dialing, ....)
How to Climb a Ladder Safely
bug killing
recognizes non-posions bugs
able to step on them or squish them with a paper towel and throw them in the trash
Hosing off sidewalks
Proper care of tools
Proper use of tools
screw drivers (phillips, flathead)
hand saws
power tools
tape measure
safety equipment
dust mask or respirator
leather gloves
hard hat
steel-toed boots
learn about various trades and equipment used
4th -6th Grade:
Cleaning the bar-b-que
Grocery Shopping
how to pick fresh produce
checking for expiration dates
comparing prices (price per unit)
Furniture Care
oiling wood
oiling leather
flipping mattress
hiring companies to clean
other items
Basic Sewing
how to sew on a button
repairing a simple tear
How to Iron
How to Change a light bulb
touch ups
filling holes
how to mask off
Proper lifting of heavy items
Moving Furniture and other items
Connecting electronics (ie tv, dvd, vcr, stereo)
Getting grease stains out of the garage
When to call a repair man
Proper way to clean up broken glass
Disposing of hazard materials
Building a bird house
Staining or Restaining Furniture
7th Grade - Adult:
pest control (using raid or other products)
Renting Your First Apartment
World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Renting Your First Apartment
mowing the yard
unclogging sinks
Fixing appliances
garbage disposal (reset button)
refrigerator (adjusting temp)
fixing leaks
Wall Paper
Hanging Pictures
Cleaning a pool
How to use a weed wacker
How to trim a tree
How to trim a bush
Cleaning gutters
Tune up a lawn mower
How to replace door locks
Basic plumbing
Turning water off at appliance
Turning water off at the main (to the whole house)
Unclogging the toliet
Unclogging the drain
Cleaning the drain
Replacing a u-joint
Unclogging a garbage disposal
Fixing a running toliet
How to Replace a Washer
How to protect pipes from freezing
Fixing a leaking toliet
Basic tile installation
Basic electrical
Turning electricity off to appliance
Circuit Breakers
turning off the main
turning off to various parts of the home
proper labeling
How to repair a drive way
How to add a sidewalk with either brick or concrete
Relocating ~ out of state, in state
Shampoo the Carpet
How to cut firewood
Better Homes & Gardens ...... Making a Home: Housekeeping for Real Life (This book covers more than just cleaning. This is a how-to guide for every aspect of your home from purchasing items including furniture to etiquette and entertaining. From stain removal to organization. A must have for everyone of your children as they prepare to take on the world along. ISBN: 0-696-21203-x)
constructing simple shelves
Assemblying furniture and other items
How to turn the gas off to an appliance
How to turn the gas off to the house
Simple Drywall Repair
Basic Landscaping principles
protect plants from freezing
A Man's Tool Box:
We feel that it is important for every young man to leave home with a well stocked quality tool box. When our sons begin first grade, they each recieved a tool box with his initials clearly on it (so as not confuse with Dads or brothers) and a few tools. The first tools our sons recieved were a level, a tape measure, and safety goggles. Each year, as they learn more about the home and cars ... they will get new tools to add to their collection. Their tools represent things that they have learned to do. Whenever a project is to be done .... each little man gets out his own tools. All tool boxes are located in the garage, where they belong. When our oldest son got his, our little ones felt left out so we bought them aprons at the home improvement store. They were just as thrilled with this and their toy tools as big brother with the tool box. Just a note, Kris got his apron and first set of tools (plasic in a plastic tool box) when he was a year old. These have been a favorite ever since. They also have play hard hats.
Throwing a ball
Catching a ball
Kicking a ball
Basic Rules for
Rock Climbing
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Sit Ups
Arm Wrestling
Olympic sports
Self defense course
Ice Skating
Roller Skating
Lifting Weights
Warming up and Cooling Down
Riding a Bike
Playing team sports
Being a great loser
Being a humble winner
Slow dancing
on a date
Outdoor and Survival Skills
how to put up a tent
what to pack
where to go
rules for safety
collecting firewood
starting a fire
starting a fire
how to tell when its done
What to do when encountering a wild animal
What to do when lost
What to do during a flood
How to tie a know
Able to identify common plants and animals to the area where you live
Can use a compass
Boiling water for safe drinking
How to plan a trip
map reading
safety percautions
transportation issues
plane, train, car, boat, ....
Home preparations for natural disasters .. ie what to do during a
earth quake
how to clean
how to care for
how to use
where to store it
naming various parts
Resource: Lets Go To The Store by Larry Burkett
Resource: Lets Count by Larry Burkett
1st-3rd Grade:
Resource: All About Money by Larry Burkett
How to save money
Resource: Money Matters for Kids by Larry Burkett
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Your First Savings Plan by Larry Burkett (This should be read aloud to your child. They can re-read it on there own later for a refresher course.
Open up a savings account in the child's name
4th - 6th Grade:
Resource: Money Matters for Kids Planner by Larry Burkett
7th grade - Adult:
Resource: Money Matters for Teens Workbook by Larry Burkett
How to purchase a home
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Buying Your First Home by Larry Burkett
How to purchase a car
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Buying Your First Car by Larry Burkett
How to purchase furniture
How to make investments
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Planning Your First Investment by Larry Burkett
The Stock Market
How to balance a check book
How to open a bank account
Donating to charities
How to write a check
no SSN number on the check
numbers as words
no empty spaces
your signature
making a budget (and sticking to it!)
Choosing a loan by comparing interest rates
Financial Planning
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Creating Your First Financial Plan by Larry Burkett
Credit Cards
Resource: World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Getting Your First Credit Card by Larry Burkett
Preparing Tax Forms
Doing it yourself vs. hiring an accountant
How to buy flowers
How to make dinner reservations
Planning a night out (focusing on things you both like to do or she likes to do ... not just what you want.)
Getting a baby sitter (okay ... this could also be a fatherhood skill but I stuck it here.)
Buying appropriate gifts
Remembering important dates
Conflict Resolution
Abstinence and other options
Sex Education (see self care for specifics)
Personality Types
Basic Psychology
World's Easiest Pocket Guide to Family Relationships by Larry Burkett
Dating Rules
Characteristics of a spouse
How to buy jewelry
Preparing for Fatherhood
How to Change a Diaper
How to Make a bottle
How to pack a diaper bag
How to Give baby a bath
proper temp
what to use
those funny little hooded towels
The cost of little people
planning for their futures (wedding, college)
all those things they need
all those things they want
medical expensenses both before and after the are born
paying for an education (private school, home school, extra-curricular activities)
Job Skills and College
College Admission Applications
Getting Your First Job
World's Easiest Pocket Guide To Finding Your First Full Time Job by Larry Burkett
How to Write a Resume
Job Interviews
what to wear
what to expect
what to say
sending a thank you letter afterwards
Filling out a job application
Exploring various Careers
Online resume sites
Head Hunters
Time Management Skills
Setting Priorities
Organizational Skills
Basic Understanding of popular programs ... Microsoft
Email Etiquette
Worksheets & Lesson Plans
Other Information
From Life Take 1
Arizona School Information
Calendar for Upcoming Events in AZ
Girl Scouts
Studio 2B
Arizona School Information
Calendar for Upcoming Events in AZ
Girl Scouts
Studio 2B
Safety in AZ
From Life Take 1
check crime rates and who is living in your neighborhood. Keeping our children safe should be one of our top priorities!
AZ Sex Offenders
Crime Time
Family Safe Media
Megan's Law
Phoenix Sex Offenders
Tempe Sex Offenders
check crime rates and who is living in your neighborhood. Keeping our children safe should be one of our top priorities!
AZ Sex Offenders
Crime Time
Family Safe Media
Megan's Law
Phoenix Sex Offenders
Tempe Sex Offenders
AZ Field Trips
From Life Take 1
Apple Annies
Arizona Railroad Museum
Challenger Space Museum
Child's Play
Desert Botanical Gardens
Farm To Family
Great AZ Puppet Theater
Heritage Park and Science Square
History of Phoenix Police Museum
Mesa Southwest Museum
Out Of Africa Wildlife Park
Rosson House
Sahuaro Ranch
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Suns/Mercury Basketball Camp
Valley Youth Theater
Young's Farm
Amerind Foundation, Inc.
Arizona Guide to Tucson
Arizona Museum for Youth
Arizona Science Center
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
City of Tucson
Desert USA
Heard Museum
McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
Mesa Storytellers
Mesa Historical Museum
Mission de San Xavier Del Baca
Mohave Museum of History and Arts
Museum of Northern Arizona
Navajo County Museum
Phoenix Art Museum
Phoenix Zoo
Pueblo Grande Museum
Rawhide Wild West Town
Rim Country Museum
Schnepf Farms -- Annual Chili and Pumpkin Festival
Superstition Mountain Lost Dutchman Museum at the Goldfield Ghost Town
Tempe Town Lake
Titan Missile Museum
Tucson Convention & Visitors Bureau
Apple Annies
Arizona Railroad Museum
Challenger Space Museum
Child's Play
Desert Botanical Gardens
Farm To Family
Great AZ Puppet Theater
Heritage Park and Science Square
History of Phoenix Police Museum
Mesa Southwest Museum
Out Of Africa Wildlife Park
Rosson House
Sahuaro Ranch
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Suns/Mercury Basketball Camp
Valley Youth Theater
Young's Farm
Amerind Foundation, Inc.
Arizona Guide to Tucson
Arizona Museum for Youth
Arizona Science Center
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
City of Tucson
Desert USA
Heard Museum
McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
Mesa Storytellers
Mesa Historical Museum
Mission de San Xavier Del Baca
Mohave Museum of History and Arts
Museum of Northern Arizona
Navajo County Museum
Phoenix Art Museum
Phoenix Zoo
Pueblo Grande Museum
Rawhide Wild West Town
Rim Country Museum
Schnepf Farms -- Annual Chili and Pumpkin Festival
Superstition Mountain Lost Dutchman Museum at the Goldfield Ghost Town
Tempe Town Lake
Titan Missile Museum
Tucson Convention & Visitors Bureau
AZ Homeschool Support Groups
From Life Take 1
Sonlight Arizona
Arizona Families For Home Education (AFHE)
Christian Home Educators of Cochise County
Knowledge House Learning Resource Center
Veritas Homeschoolers
The Salt Seller
Christ Church of the Valley Homeschool Ministry
Desert Hills Christian School
East Valley Christian Home Educators
Fountain Hills Christian Home Educators
Happily Educating ouR Own (HERO)
JOY Homeschool Group
Koinonia Homeschoolers
Legacy Homeschoolers
New Hope Homeschoolers
Palo Verde Homeschoolers
Rainbow Explorers
Sonlight Arizona
Arizona Families For Home Education (AFHE)
Christian Home Educators of Cochise County
Knowledge House Learning Resource Center
Veritas Homeschoolers
The Salt Seller
Christ Church of the Valley Homeschool Ministry
Desert Hills Christian School
East Valley Christian Home Educators
Fountain Hills Christian Home Educators
Happily Educating ouR Own (HERO)
JOY Homeschool Group
Koinonia Homeschoolers
Legacy Homeschoolers
New Hope Homeschoolers
Palo Verde Homeschoolers
Rainbow Explorers
Teacher Resources
From Life Take 1
A to Z Teacher Stuff
ABC Teach
Easy Fun School
Highland Heritage Home School
Homeschool Resource
The Learning Page
Teach Weekly
Teachers Teach-nology
Lifestyle of Learning Ministries
Teachers and Family
Teaching Treasures
The Idea Box
The Teacher's Corner
Printable Books
Homeschool Tracker (homeschool software program)
Edu-Track (Homeschool software program)
A to Z Teacher Stuff
ABC Teach
Easy Fun School
Highland Heritage Home School
Homeschool Resource
The Learning Page
Teach Weekly
Teachers Teach-nology
Lifestyle of Learning Ministries
Teachers and Family
Teaching Treasures
The Idea Box
The Teacher's Corner
Printable Books
Homeschool Tracker (homeschool software program)
Edu-Track (Homeschool software program)
Christmas Links
From Life Take 1
For more links be sure to check out our homeschool links section .... scroll down to holidays and you should find some more information.
Printable Nativity
Forms & Checklists for an Organized Holiday
Advent Activities including daily Bible reading, crafts, recipes and more!
Jesse Tree Ornament Patterns
Directions for making your own Advent calendar
Information on Jesse Trees and/or Banners
Reviews of books relating to Christmas/Advent
Coloring Page for Jesse Tree
Ceremony suggestions for Jesse Tree
Jesse Tree Patterns
Jesse Tree Patterns to Color
Jesse Tree Patterns
Jesse Tree
Make a Jesse Tree: Advent Learning Project
Jesse Tree: Advent Preparation
A Blessed Christmas: A Unit Study Approach to Studying the Symbols of Christmas
Advent Coloring Book
How to make an Advent Wreath
Advent for Families
All About Jesus -- Keeping Christ in Christmas
Advent Treasure Hunt for Kids
Advent Activities
Setting up a Creche for Advent
Jesse Tree
Advent Study (has lots of links to other sites too!)
For more links be sure to check out our homeschool links section .... scroll down to holidays and you should find some more information.
Printable Nativity
Forms & Checklists for an Organized Holiday
Advent Activities including daily Bible reading, crafts, recipes and more!
Jesse Tree Ornament Patterns
Directions for making your own Advent calendar
Information on Jesse Trees and/or Banners
Reviews of books relating to Christmas/Advent
Coloring Page for Jesse Tree
Ceremony suggestions for Jesse Tree
Jesse Tree Patterns
Jesse Tree Patterns to Color
Jesse Tree Patterns
Jesse Tree
Make a Jesse Tree: Advent Learning Project
Jesse Tree: Advent Preparation
A Blessed Christmas: A Unit Study Approach to Studying the Symbols of Christmas
Advent Coloring Book
How to make an Advent Wreath
Advent for Families
All About Jesus -- Keeping Christ in Christmas
Advent Treasure Hunt for Kids
Advent Activities
Setting up a Creche for Advent
Jesse Tree
Advent Study (has lots of links to other sites too!)
Christmas Movie List
From Life Take 1
The Toy That Saved Christmas -- Veggie Tale
The Christmas Star -- Veggie Tale
Muppet's Christmas Carol
It's A wonderful Life
Little House on the Prairie Christmas
Christmas Carol - 1930's Edition
Walton's Christmas
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Frosty the Snow Man
Christmas with the Kranks
The Toy That Saved Christmas -- Veggie Tale
The Christmas Star -- Veggie Tale
Muppet's Christmas Carol
It's A wonderful Life
Little House on the Prairie Christmas
Christmas Carol - 1930's Edition
Walton's Christmas
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Frosty the Snow Man
Christmas with the Kranks
Birthday Cake for Jesus
From Life Take 1
(Originally from Focus on the Family)
In the hussle and bussle of the season, it is easy to forget the true meaning of our celebration. It is Jesus Birthday!! So to celebrate, let's bake him a special birthday cake. No not just any cake but one with meaning to help us remember. First, the birthday cake itself symbolizes God's love for us (John 3:16). It is a chocolate cake, to symbolize our sin, black in God's own eyes (Romans 3:23). The entire cake is shaped like a star. White frosting covers the cake just as Christ's purity covers our sins (Isaiah 1:18). On top of the cake we put a yellow star to signify the one that shone over Jesus' manager (Matthew 2:1-2), an angel to indicate the first glad tidings (Luke 2:9-10), and candles to show that Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12). There are 12 candles to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world tjroughout the 12 months of the year, not just at Christmas. Also, they are red, symbolizing His blood shed for us (Matthew 26:27-28). Finally, we put some evergreens on the cake to signify everlasting life (John 3:16), God's gift to those who recieve it.
(Originally from Focus on the Family)
In the hussle and bussle of the season, it is easy to forget the true meaning of our celebration. It is Jesus Birthday!! So to celebrate, let's bake him a special birthday cake. No not just any cake but one with meaning to help us remember. First, the birthday cake itself symbolizes God's love for us (John 3:16). It is a chocolate cake, to symbolize our sin, black in God's own eyes (Romans 3:23). The entire cake is shaped like a star. White frosting covers the cake just as Christ's purity covers our sins (Isaiah 1:18). On top of the cake we put a yellow star to signify the one that shone over Jesus' manager (Matthew 2:1-2), an angel to indicate the first glad tidings (Luke 2:9-10), and candles to show that Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12). There are 12 candles to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world tjroughout the 12 months of the year, not just at Christmas. Also, they are red, symbolizing His blood shed for us (Matthew 26:27-28). Finally, we put some evergreens on the cake to signify everlasting life (John 3:16), God's gift to those who recieve it.
Family Advent Activities
From Life Take 1
- Go caroling....
- Go ride and look at the lights and then come home to hot chocolate....
- Go to see a live nativity (maybe NOT available in Alaska?)....
- Bake Christmas cookies and sample with hot tea or hot chocolate....
- Make Christmas gifts and goody baskets....
- Make Christmas wrapping paper....
- Take goody baskets for Troopers...Firefighters...Your Chaplain...a lonely neighbor! Fill with lots of homemade goodies!
- Make Christmas Decorations....
- Go visit a nursing home...sing carols, take homemade cards, really talk....
- Have a Birthday Party for Jesus for the children of your neighbors and friends...let each child bring a canned food/toy to donate for Christmas....
- Pull out the old photo albums and tell all of those hilarious family stories....
- You may want to even take time this holiday to make up a Scrapbook of just your past Holiday memories complete with stories from each holiday...
- Go shopping with your little ones...
- Pop some popcorn and have a Christmas family movie night....
- Read a great Christmas classic or bookaloud each night....
- Make Christmas ornaments...
- Make a Jesse Banner or tree ....
- Make an Advent Candle....
- Decorate your OWN "night tree"
- Buy the "adornaments" at the Christian bookstore...these are great forquick Advent devotionals...they center on the names/Character of Jesusand you have a little ornament to hang on the tree each night....
- Make a Christmas Book (homeschool alert - doubles as creative writing and handwriting for Dec)... take a picture each day (or draw one) and have your child write why THAT item reminds them of Christmas, or create a story about that item.....compile the book, save and bring out each year to read at Christmas time.
- We wrap all our Christmas picture books and the children take turns getting to choose a book to be read during the Advent season. The lastthing we do each year is rewrap the books and then pack up allour Christmas books, videos and music....they can't come out again until the day after Thanksgiving next year
- Make paper chains and tear off one for each day as you get closer to Christmas
Advent Candle
From Life Take 1
Take a 12 in candle and made 24 marks in it. I then wrote LITTLE devotionals (geared for the younger set! - we're talking a few sentences on most days) - we add and discuss if my littles ones are doing well - if not - that's it!). Each day we burn the candle and read the day's devotional and discuss. The candle "should" be burned out on Christmas Eve and the little ones will know that Christmas will arrive in the a.m.
Take a 12 in candle and made 24 marks in it. I then wrote LITTLE devotionals (geared for the younger set! - we're talking a few sentences on most days) - we add and discuss if my littles ones are doing well - if not - that's it!). Each day we burn the candle and read the day's devotional and discuss. The candle "should" be burned out on Christmas Eve and the little ones will know that Christmas will arrive in the a.m.
Turkey Dinner Song
From Life Take 1
Well, I got to the library to late this year to reserve any good books on the topic ..... so this will just have to wait till next year. But we did find some new favorite Thanksgiving songs that I thought I would share with all of you.
Turkey Dinner by anonymous
Turkey Dinner, Turkey Dinner,
Gather Round, Gather Round,
Who will get the drum stick, yummy yummy drumstick
All sit down, All sit down
Cornbread muffins, chestnut stuffing
Pudding Pie, One foot high
We were all thinner, Until we came to dinner
Me-o-my, Me-o-my
There was another one too but I lost the piece of paper I had it written on. Will try and find it and post it soon.
Well, I got to the library to late this year to reserve any good books on the topic ..... so this will just have to wait till next year. But we did find some new favorite Thanksgiving songs that I thought I would share with all of you.
Turkey Dinner by anonymous
Turkey Dinner, Turkey Dinner,
Gather Round, Gather Round,
Who will get the drum stick, yummy yummy drumstick
All sit down, All sit down
Cornbread muffins, chestnut stuffing
Pudding Pie, One foot high
We were all thinner, Until we came to dinner
Me-o-my, Me-o-my
There was another one too but I lost the piece of paper I had it written on. Will try and find it and post it soon.
Preschool Links
From Life Take 1
Activity Pad
Child Fun
Homeschooling Adventures
Hubbard's Cupboard
Kerry's Collectables
Kid's Page
Kid's Printables
Patti's Preschool Resources
Perpetual Preschool
Picket Fence Playhouse
Pre-K Smarties
Preschool Coloring Book
Preschool Education
Preschool Learners
Print and Play
Shape Books
The Sunshine Room
Under 5's
Activity Pad
Child Fun
Homeschooling Adventures
Hubbard's Cupboard
Kerry's Collectables
Kid's Page
Kid's Printables
Patti's Preschool Resources
Perpetual Preschool
Picket Fence Playhouse
Pre-K Smarties
Preschool Coloring Book
Preschool Education
Preschool Learners
Print and Play
Shape Books
The Sunshine Room
Under 5's
Math Links
From Life Take 1
Ask Dr. Math
Basket Math Interactive
Exercises in Math Readiness
Math Goodies
Purple Math
Web Math
Ask Dr. Math
Basket Math Interactive
Exercises in Math Readiness
Math Goodies
Purple Math
Web Math
History/Geography Links
From Life Take 1
Be sure to look around the site for even more links to other resources. For more geography links and ideas -- please visit the Galloping The Globe Page.
Amazon Interactive
Colonial Williamson Virtual Field Trip
The Jason Project
Global Online Adventures
Virtual Field Trips
Ancient Egypt
Castles on the Web
Family Search
Justice For Kids
Africa Guide
History/Social Studies for Teachers
Lewis and Clark
Life in the Middle Ages
New Perspectives on the West
States and Capitals
The American Civil War
The Canada War Museum
The Civil War
The Oregon Trail
The World of the Vikings
West Web
White House for Kids
Be sure to look around the site for even more links to other resources. For more geography links and ideas -- please visit the Galloping The Globe Page.
Amazon Interactive
Colonial Williamson Virtual Field Trip
The Jason Project
Global Online Adventures
Virtual Field Trips
Ancient Egypt
Castles on the Web
Family Search
Justice For Kids
Africa Guide
History/Social Studies for Teachers
Lewis and Clark
Life in the Middle Ages
New Perspectives on the West
States and Capitals
The American Civil War
The Canada War Museum
The Civil War
The Oregon Trail
The World of the Vikings
West Web
White House for Kids
Science Links
From Life Take 1
Brain POP
How Stuff Work
Imagine the Universe
Inner Body
Kids Dig Reed
Life Beyond Earth
Museum of Science in Boston
Neuroscience For Kids
Nine Planets
Ocean Planet Home Page
Star Child
The Electronic Zoo
Try Science
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
The Franklin Institute: Learning Resources
The MAD Scientist Network
Brain POP
How Stuff Work
Imagine the Universe
Inner Body
Kids Dig Reed
Life Beyond Earth
Museum of Science in Boston
Neuroscience For Kids
Nine Planets
Ocean Planet Home Page
Star Child
The Electronic Zoo
Try Science
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
The Franklin Institute: Learning Resources
The MAD Scientist Network
Language Arts Links
Daily Grammar
Grammar & Vocabulary
Homeschooling Families Language Art Links
Grammar Worksheets
Language Arts and Literature Lessons and Activities Index
The Five Paragraph Essay
Online Dictionary
Writing Worksheets
Web Schooling - Learning to Read
Audrey Wood Club House
Children's Literature Web Guide
Pink Monkey
Project Gutenberg
Babel Fish - Language Translator
Discovery School
Educator's Reference Desk
Internet Public Library
Marco Polo Education Search
New York Times Learning Network
MidLink Magazine
Research Paper
Take Our Word
The Write Site
What Makes A Good Story?
Word Central
Grammar & Vocabulary
Homeschooling Families Language Art Links
Grammar Worksheets
Language Arts and Literature Lessons and Activities Index
The Five Paragraph Essay
Online Dictionary
Writing Worksheets
Web Schooling - Learning to Read
Audrey Wood Club House
Children's Literature Web Guide
Pink Monkey
Project Gutenberg
Babel Fish - Language Translator
Discovery School
Educator's Reference Desk
Internet Public Library
Marco Polo Education Search
New York Times Learning Network
MidLink Magazine
Research Paper
Take Our Word
The Write Site
What Makes A Good Story?
Word Central
Homeschool Links
From Life Take 1
Below is a list of curriculum suppliers. Some I have used others I have not. This is an extensive list of suppliers that I know of. The purpose of this list is to provide you with the knowledge that there are many many choices today for homeschooling. The way that I homeschool my children may not work for you. To make your research easier -- I have included as many other options as I could find. The list is always growing so if your favorite site isn't listed -- please email me and I will add it. The suppliers are listed in no particular order.
Sonlight, Ltd.
Lakeshore Learning Materials
Resources for Reading
Timberdoodle Company
Audio Memory
The Elijah Company
Critical Thinking Books & Software
Rainbow Resource Center
Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc.
The Core Knowledge Foundation
YWAM Publishing
My Father's World
OMF Books
SIM Books
Friendship House (Music Curriculum ....)
Social Studies School Service
ACSI/Purposeful Design Educational Resources
Color The Classics
Classical Kids: A Symphony of Stories
A Beka Book
R.O.C.K. Solid
McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing
Progeny Press
Explorer's Bible Study Curriculum
Home Training Tools
A Reason For.....
How Great Thou Art Publications
The Story Teller
Alpha Omega Publications
School Of Tomorrow (ACCES, Inc.)
The Noah Plan
Keys For The Kingdom (Piano Course)
VideoText Interactive (for algebra)
No Greater Joy Ministries
Alfred's Music Education
Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc.
Bob Jones University Press
ETA Cuisenaire
Crown Magnetics Inc.
Learning Resources
Greenleaf Press
Bellerophon Art Books
Acorn Naturalists
Christian Liberty Press
Landmark's Freedom Baptist Curriculum
Childs Work Childs Play
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Teacher's Video Company
Saxon Publishers
Dinah-Might Adventures, LP.
Knowledge Unlimited
Veritas Press, Inc.
Home Training Tools
Below is a list of curriculum suppliers. Some I have used others I have not. This is an extensive list of suppliers that I know of. The purpose of this list is to provide you with the knowledge that there are many many choices today for homeschooling. The way that I homeschool my children may not work for you. To make your research easier -- I have included as many other options as I could find. The list is always growing so if your favorite site isn't listed -- please email me and I will add it. The suppliers are listed in no particular order.
Sonlight, Ltd.
Lakeshore Learning Materials
Resources for Reading
Timberdoodle Company
Audio Memory
The Elijah Company
Critical Thinking Books & Software
Rainbow Resource Center
Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc.
The Core Knowledge Foundation
YWAM Publishing
My Father's World
OMF Books
SIM Books
Friendship House (Music Curriculum ....)
Social Studies School Service
ACSI/Purposeful Design Educational Resources
Color The Classics
Classical Kids: A Symphony of Stories
A Beka Book
R.O.C.K. Solid
McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing
Progeny Press
Explorer's Bible Study Curriculum
Home Training Tools
A Reason For.....
How Great Thou Art Publications
The Story Teller
Alpha Omega Publications
School Of Tomorrow (ACCES, Inc.)
The Noah Plan
Keys For The Kingdom (Piano Course)
VideoText Interactive (for algebra)
No Greater Joy Ministries
Alfred's Music Education
Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc.
Bob Jones University Press
ETA Cuisenaire
Crown Magnetics Inc.
Learning Resources
Greenleaf Press
Bellerophon Art Books
Acorn Naturalists
Christian Liberty Press
Landmark's Freedom Baptist Curriculum
Childs Work Childs Play
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Teacher's Video Company
Saxon Publishers
Dinah-Might Adventures, LP.
Knowledge Unlimited
Veritas Press, Inc.
Home Training Tools
The Plan
Sometimes you receive an email that reaches into your core and resinates with you in a way that is hard to explain. Its like your thoughts that you were unable to articulate are finally sitting in front of you. I love this country but there are so many things that need to be fixed. We keep putting bandaids on issues and never really resolving the issues. Those that know me know that I tend to stay away from politics. Those that know Dan know that is one of the main things his family discusses. It is a heated passionate ongoing debate. The following email is a plan that would work... now if only the President Elect, Obama, will read it and put it into action.
The Plan!
Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says 'I love New York ' in Arabic. You gotta love Robin Williams......Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.
Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!) 'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.'
1) 'The US will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good 'ole' boys', we will never 'interfere' again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave or We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be avail able to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a 'D' and it's back home baby.
6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere.' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us 'Ugly Americans' any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH..learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
'The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' '
The Plan!
Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says 'I love New York ' in Arabic. You gotta love Robin Williams......Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.
Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!) 'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.'
1) 'The US will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good 'ole' boys', we will never 'interfere' again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave or We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be avail able to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a 'D' and it's back home baby.
6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere.' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us 'Ugly Americans' any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH..learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
'The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' '
Saying Goodbye

In October 2008, our family got the news that a beloved member was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The night before Thanksgiving, Aunt Shelley Conway lost her fight to cancer. Please join us in prayer as our family mourns this loss. Aunt Shelley has left behind a husband of 25 years, Uncle Mike, and 8 children ranging in age from 8 to 23. For more information, please visit her blog at
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Dan's New Toy
And of course they had to test it out too. Dan gave them all a ride around the block.
Ben named him. His first choice was Mega Ranger and was denied. Harley was his second pick adn approved. Ben got to name him as we were on an "alone time" adventure with him when we found out a friend of ours, Andrea, had picked him up for us as she new we were looking for a dog. She also knew about Dan's previous dog, Buddy, and felt this would be a perfect fit. It was....
Zac's Missing Tooth
If you have known me for awhile then you know that Zac is my adventurous child who visits the ER on a regular basis. He is never afraid of taking a risk or trying something new. He can be shy and quiet at first but don't let that fool you! In his latest adventures, Zac had a run in with his dresser. Somehow, he knocked his front two teeth lose. It resulted in a trip to the dentist and a missing tooth.
He is no longer my baby but a big kid.
show off the missing tooth.
Halloween Party
Dan is all about fun. Its one of the things I love about him is that he never lets life pass him by. He is always in the middle of it. He never does anything half way. He throws his whole heart into everything he does. So when the idea of a Halloween Party was brought up... Dan threw himself into it as he does everything. I only wish you could have been here to see it. A haunted hallway, fog, fog bubbles, creapy music, strobe lights, and a bonfire in the backyard. Dan is promising next years (if he is here) will be even better.

Some of those at the party. More arrived later.

Dan and I as pirates. What do you think of me as a brunette?
The boys have never really celebrated Halloween but rather the Harvest. This year, Dan wanted to show the boys what Halloween was all about. If you know Dan, he never does things half way. Its all or nothing.
The pumpkin patch and Schnepf Farms was the first stop.
After all, you have to have the perfect pumkins for carving.
Its not an easy job to find the perfect pumpkin... just ask Ben.
But adventually you do find one.
After all that hard work, its time for a little fun in the sun.
After the adventures at the pumpkin patch, its time to carve the pumpkins.
Step 1: Cut open the top
Step 2: Take out the insides. YUCK!
Step 3: Tips from Dan on how to carve your pumpkin.
Step 4: Attempt to carve your own pumpkin.
Step 5: Let Dan finish the carving for you.
Step 6: Kiss your pumpkin if you really like your Jack-o-lantern.
Wedding Planning
It is about 8 months till the big day when I become a wife again. The planning has been going pretty well. Its hard to believe all the details that go into planning an event and how much it costs. I have a website that I created just for all those details. Some of you have asked for that information: There is a blog there as well that will give you all the details on what we are doing as far as wedding related events and other events that are happening in our life as well.

This is our save the date magnet. We are handing these out to family and friends at the Christmas Party on December 13. And yes... you are invited too. =)

This is our save the date magnet. We are handing these out to family and friends at the Christmas Party on December 13. And yes... you are invited too. =)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Researching Life in the Military
There are a few websites that I have been using to help me prepare for this journey. If you know of some others or if any of you are army wifes with your own blogs who wish to share with me your experience, please leave a comment so I may visit your sites and learn from you all as well.
Married to the Army
Army Wife Talk Radio
Life Lessons Military Wife
Married to the Army
Army Wife Talk Radio
Life Lessons Military Wife
Preparing to be a Military Wife
I have been trying to figure out just what it will be like to become a military wife. Those that know me best assure me I will be fine. That the boys and I will strive. I always make the best of everything and am looking forward to a few more years at home with my crew. I love the idea of possibly homeschooling them again for awhile before returning to civilian life and the rat race that it has become.
But others who have "been there done that" have cautioned me against it. Saying I don't know what I am getting into. The costs associated with it, the things that I will miss, the closeness of relationships now experienced. I have been researching and trying to prepare but to be honest, I just don't know where to begin.
I ran across this poem today and thought I would share it with all of you. It says a lot about my beliefs that I have always held. The wifes, husbands, children, families of the officers also selfishly give all for us and this country each and everyday. We should be thanking not only our soldiers for the sacrifices they make but also their families. For without any of them, where would we truly be?
Memorial Day weekend is coming fast. It's just a few days off. I encourage all of you not just to spend another fun week bar-b-queing with your families. That is a fun thing to do. But please, take the moment to share with your children what this holiday is truly about. Those that gave their all for us.
But others who have "been there done that" have cautioned me against it. Saying I don't know what I am getting into. The costs associated with it, the things that I will miss, the closeness of relationships now experienced. I have been researching and trying to prepare but to be honest, I just don't know where to begin.
I ran across this poem today and thought I would share it with all of you. It says a lot about my beliefs that I have always held. The wifes, husbands, children, families of the officers also selfishly give all for us and this country each and everyday. We should be thanking not only our soldiers for the sacrifices they make but also their families. For without any of them, where would we truly be?
Memorial Day weekend is coming fast. It's just a few days off. I encourage all of you not just to spend another fun week bar-b-queing with your families. That is a fun thing to do. But please, take the moment to share with your children what this holiday is truly about. Those that gave their all for us.

Monday, August 25, 2008
My Other Websites
"Life: Take 1" original material came from the following websites:
Worldview Academy
Tuscan Sun Academy
Kitchen Moments
Due to a request from a popular company with the same name, our homeschool site was moved and renamed to Tuscan Sun Academy. I never really liked the name and it was never really used. We kept on with the same name. If we homeschool again in the future, we will be choosing a new name. I was also a featured columnist on homeschoolblogger for a time. This is a part of This Old Schoolhouse Magazine. I enjoyed my time writing for Kitchen Moments each week.
In addition, my other "old" websites include:
Sonlight Arizona
Sonlight Arizona on Yahoo Groups
There are a few that are no longer available. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Posts not located on other sites have been permanently lost. These sites include:
Usborne Books
Adventuring with 3boyz
Send Out Cards
Worldview Academy
Tuscan Sun Academy
Kitchen Moments
Due to a request from a popular company with the same name, our homeschool site was moved and renamed to Tuscan Sun Academy. I never really liked the name and it was never really used. We kept on with the same name. If we homeschool again in the future, we will be choosing a new name. I was also a featured columnist on homeschoolblogger for a time. This is a part of This Old Schoolhouse Magazine. I enjoyed my time writing for Kitchen Moments each week.
In addition, my other "old" websites include:
Sonlight Arizona
Sonlight Arizona on Yahoo Groups
There are a few that are no longer available. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Posts not located on other sites have been permanently lost. These sites include:
Usborne Books
Adventuring with 3boyz
Send Out Cards
Wall Word Worm
From Life Take 1
I created this worm for a fun way for my son to "see" what he knows for reading. There were days when he would have "confidence issues" -- believing that he couldn’t read, didn’t know what the word was, etc… So I came up with the idea of making a worm of all the words he knew. Every time he came across a new one – I added a circle to the wall. His enjoyment in reading grew as did the length of our worm and now whenever he is having a “confidence crisis” he simply goes to his wall of words and can see all that he has accomplished.
To make your own, you will need both sets of patterns below as well as a list of words. I made a list of about 900 words that we discovered in the first 2/3 of our K phonics program. After that – I gave up. There were simply too many words to add and I had run out of room. Please feel free to use my list, create your own, and make it as long as you like. Printing the pattern on cardstock works best.
My son enjoyed this idea so much, that I am thinking of making a spelling word worm next year. Every week when his new spelling list is out – we will add the new words to the wall. We also played games this year with our worm prior to hanging it up. Be creative!! There is a lot you can do with this little guy. I am hoping to get pictures of ours up soon – in our family photo area.
Here is a great twist on this idea from Sharon. She calls it a Reading Caterpiller. On each bump of the body she lists a book that she has read to her son (for those unable to read yet) or the story that he son read to her (for those who know how to read). The goal is to make it as long as possible by the end of the year. She starts over every year on her son's birthday. You could choose to start at the beginning of your school year. This sounds like a great game!! You could even have siblings race each other if competition is as much of a factor in your home as it is in ours!! I can't wait to start this with the boys!! Thanks for the idea Sharon!!
Word Worm Head
Word Worm Body
Word List
I created this worm for a fun way for my son to "see" what he knows for reading. There were days when he would have "confidence issues" -- believing that he couldn’t read, didn’t know what the word was, etc… So I came up with the idea of making a worm of all the words he knew. Every time he came across a new one – I added a circle to the wall. His enjoyment in reading grew as did the length of our worm and now whenever he is having a “confidence crisis” he simply goes to his wall of words and can see all that he has accomplished.
To make your own, you will need both sets of patterns below as well as a list of words. I made a list of about 900 words that we discovered in the first 2/3 of our K phonics program. After that – I gave up. There were simply too many words to add and I had run out of room. Please feel free to use my list, create your own, and make it as long as you like. Printing the pattern on cardstock works best.
My son enjoyed this idea so much, that I am thinking of making a spelling word worm next year. Every week when his new spelling list is out – we will add the new words to the wall. We also played games this year with our worm prior to hanging it up. Be creative!! There is a lot you can do with this little guy. I am hoping to get pictures of ours up soon – in our family photo area.
Here is a great twist on this idea from Sharon. She calls it a Reading Caterpiller. On each bump of the body she lists a book that she has read to her son (for those unable to read yet) or the story that he son read to her (for those who know how to read). The goal is to make it as long as possible by the end of the year. She starts over every year on her son's birthday. You could choose to start at the beginning of your school year. This sounds like a great game!! You could even have siblings race each other if competition is as much of a factor in your home as it is in ours!! I can't wait to start this with the boys!! Thanks for the idea Sharon!!
Word Worm Head
Word Worm Body
Word List
HWT Files
From Life Take 1
Letters & Numbers For Me
K Handwriting Paper
1 Handwriting Paper
Letters & Numbers For Me
K Handwriting Paper
1 Handwriting Paper
Saxon Math Schedules
From Life Take 1
Saxon Math K
Saxon Math 1
Saxon Math 2
Saxon Math K
Saxon Math 1
Saxon Math 2
Blank Worksheets
From Life Take 1
Curriculum Planner
1 subject-36 week schedule
Elective Planning Guide
Parent Planner
Wish List
Pk/K Evaluation
Unit Study Planner
Curriculum Planner
1 subject-36 week schedule
Elective Planning Guide
Parent Planner
Wish List
Pk/K Evaluation
Unit Study Planner
HWT Help
From Life Take 1
(An example of how a comment/question has helped out so many with a new idea. Thanks Jennifer!)
Hi Misty,
Anyway the idea was for those who don't have the cards to do that part of the letters for HWT. I thought I would do Mat on day 1, then on the next day do a sensory lesson for each letter, eg putting rice or flour in the bottom of a square baking dish and then "writing" the letter in it, then on third day do it on the slate as you suggest.
Jennifer in Tasmania
(2d and counting)
(An example of how a comment/question has helped out so many with a new idea. Thanks Jennifer!)
Hi Misty,
Anyway the idea was for those who don't have the cards to do that part of the letters for HWT. I thought I would do Mat on day 1, then on the next day do a sensory lesson for each letter, eg putting rice or flour in the bottom of a square baking dish and then "writing" the letter in it, then on third day do it on the slate as you suggest.
Jennifer in Tasmania
(2d and counting)
2004-2005 School Year
From Life Take 1
Apr 2004 - July 2004 --Review Period
Nov 2004 -- First Day of School
Well that plan did not work so well after all. Once we finished up Core PK with Janet's extras and some
other things for the second time, Kris was ready to
move onto Core K and nothing was going to deter
him from doing so.
So...... we began our school year at the beginning of May. We are focusing mainly on the basics at this point ... phonics, handwriting, math, critical thinking and of course read alouds. When time allows we add in our science, history, and enrichment activities. We also try to get to the Bible and Character Studies on a daily basis. In November, I am hoping to have everything done on a daily basis but we will see how things go when the time comes. Zac is becoming more adament about being involved now ... and then of course there is Ben to consider.....
Apr 2004 - July 2004 --Review Period
Nov 2004 -- First Day of School
Well that plan did not work so well after all. Once we finished up Core PK with Janet's extras and some
other things for the second time, Kris was ready to
move onto Core K and nothing was going to deter
him from doing so.
So...... we began our school year at the beginning of May. We are focusing mainly on the basics at this point ... phonics, handwriting, math, critical thinking and of course read alouds. When time allows we add in our science, history, and enrichment activities. We also try to get to the Bible and Character Studies on a daily basis. In November, I am hoping to have everything done on a daily basis but we will see how things go when the time comes. Zac is becoming more adament about being involved now ... and then of course there is Ben to consider.....
2003-2004 School Year
From Life Take 1
1 Sep 2003 -- First Day of School
24 Oct 2003 -- End of First Quarter
27-31 Oct 2003 -- Break
24-28 Nov 2003 -- Thanksgiving Break
22 Dec 2003 - 2 Jan 2004 -- Christmas Break
23 Jan 2004 -- End of Second Quarter
26-30 Jan 2004 -- Break
2 Apr 2004 -- End of Third Quarter
5-16 apr 2004 -- Spring Break
25 Jun 2004 -- End of Fourth Quarter
28 Jun 2004 - 3 Sep 2004 -- Summer Break
Well -- if you look ahead to the next year, you will discover that we finished up quite early this year and so I have had to make some adjustments to my way of viewing the school year. Our new school year will begin on May 1 each year and end about April 15. Why did I pick this day? To correlate with the Sonlight Catalog of course!!! A new one comes out each year on April 1, by starting school on the 1 of May then I have time to order and wait for our supplies to be shipped. I choose and ending date close to this that will allow me to do some "spring cleaning" in the office in order to prepare for the upcoming year.
1 Sep 2003 -- First Day of School
24 Oct 2003 -- End of First Quarter
27-31 Oct 2003 -- Break
24-28 Nov 2003 -- Thanksgiving Break
22 Dec 2003 - 2 Jan 2004 -- Christmas Break
23 Jan 2004 -- End of Second Quarter
26-30 Jan 2004 -- Break
2 Apr 2004 -- End of Third Quarter
5-16 apr 2004 -- Spring Break
25 Jun 2004 -- End of Fourth Quarter
28 Jun 2004 - 3 Sep 2004 -- Summer Break
Well -- if you look ahead to the next year, you will discover that we finished up quite early this year and so I have had to make some adjustments to my way of viewing the school year. Our new school year will begin on May 1 each year and end about April 15. Why did I pick this day? To correlate with the Sonlight Catalog of course!!! A new one comes out each year on April 1, by starting school on the 1 of May then I have time to order and wait for our supplies to be shipped. I choose and ending date close to this that will allow me to do some "spring cleaning" in the office in order to prepare for the upcoming year.
Daily Schedule
From Life Take 1
(Please note: I have had several over the years. All the ones that I have had previously posted are here to given you an idea of what our life is like. However, life doesn't always go according to plan. You must be willing to adapt and improvise on an as-needed basis.)
The times for our daily schedule (Monday-Friday) vary but the order in which things are completed stays pretty much the same.
7:30 -- Mama up, check email
8 am -- Everyone up, get dressed
8:30 am -- morning chores then breakfast
9 am -- educational film or directed play
10:30 am -- Zac and Ben nap, Kris school time
12:00 pm -- Kris does his workbook assignments on his own, Mama feeds Ben and spends special one-on-one time with him.
12:30 pm -- Lunch, Zac up from nap
1 pm -- Ben back down for a nap, Kris and Zac library time (where we read books from the library
1:30 -- free play (QUIETLY) for Kris and Zac, Mama chores and/or computer time
2 pm -- Chores for everyone. Kris is in charge of picking up all the rooms even his brothers and putting everything away. Zac is to help or stay out of the way. Mama does her daily cleaning.
3 pm -- Playtime with all 3 boys
4 pm -- outside time if weather permits
5 pm -- start dinner, Daddy comes home from work
6 pm -- dinner, bible devotional study by Daddy
7 pm -- bubble bath time with Daddy, afterwards night time chores
8 pm -- Zac goes to bed, Kris has homework/special one-on-one time with Dad
8:30 pm -- Kris goes to bed
9:30 pm -- Ben goes to bed
10 pm -- Mama goes to bed
(Please note: I have had several over the years. All the ones that I have had previously posted are here to given you an idea of what our life is like. However, life doesn't always go according to plan. You must be willing to adapt and improvise on an as-needed basis.)
The times for our daily schedule (Monday-Friday) vary but the order in which things are completed stays pretty much the same.
7:30 -- Mama up, check email
8 am -- Everyone up, get dressed
8:30 am -- morning chores then breakfast
9 am -- educational film or directed play
10:30 am -- Zac and Ben nap, Kris school time
12:00 pm -- Kris does his workbook assignments on his own, Mama feeds Ben and spends special one-on-one time with him.
12:30 pm -- Lunch, Zac up from nap
1 pm -- Ben back down for a nap, Kris and Zac library time (where we read books from the library
1:30 -- free play (QUIETLY) for Kris and Zac, Mama chores and/or computer time
2 pm -- Chores for everyone. Kris is in charge of picking up all the rooms even his brothers and putting everything away. Zac is to help or stay out of the way. Mama does her daily cleaning.
3 pm -- Playtime with all 3 boys
4 pm -- outside time if weather permits
5 pm -- start dinner, Daddy comes home from work
6 pm -- dinner, bible devotional study by Daddy
7 pm -- bubble bath time with Daddy, afterwards night time chores
8 pm -- Zac goes to bed, Kris has homework/special one-on-one time with Dad
8:30 pm -- Kris goes to bed
9:30 pm -- Ben goes to bed
10 pm -- Mama goes to bed
Usborne Book List
From Life Take 1
These are the books that I used. Sonlight periodically changes there programs around therefore some of the books listed below may no longer be in use. Please check a current catalog for the correct book lists.
Prices quoted for books is subject to change. The prices mentioned are the prices current of when this information was originally posted. Usborne books, in general, are inexpensive and a great value. For information about prices, availability -- please email me.
If you would like information on recieving a discount on Usborne Books by becoming a consultant or would like to sell Usborne Books, please email for the current specials. You only need to sign up once and your membership as a consultant is good for a life time regardless of how often you order books. That means you can get the 25% discount this year, in 10 years, and then again in 30 and never have to meet a yearly or monthly minimum. (okay exaggerated the years to prove a point -- after all who could wait 10 years to order more books!!)
Baby/Toddler Books
I have been using a lot of the Beginning readers for my little one and haven't purchased a lot of Usborne books for him yet. He loves the easy readers and as a bonus big brother can read them and gets in extra reading practice. He also enjoys the Tie-A-Bow book even though he is too young to understand yet. I only allow my children board books before the age of 2. In addition to these, we own....
Find the Duck (loves this one and wants to read it over and over again. QUACK! QUACK! as Zac calls it.)
Building Site
A friend of mine recommended the following Usborne books for baby and toddler. These look great and I will have to plan on adding some to my collection soon!
Look and Say Board Books - Beach, Farm, Town
First Picture Word Book
That's Not My. series - Car, Truck, Tractor, Train, etc.
Young Farmyard Tales Board Books - Curly the Pig, Wooly the Sheep, The
Red Tractor
Farmyard Tales Touchy Feely - Curly's Friends, Wooly's Walk, Rusty's Bone
Animal Noises (Not sure about these. I tend to shy away from the touchy books that can get all sticky and yucky and are hard to clean.)
Find the - Kitten, Teddy, Puppy
Animal Hide and Seek
Alphabet Book
Young Nature Board Book Series - Horses & Ponies, Baby Animals, Farm Animals
Big Machine Board Books - Trucks, Racing Cars, Planes, Tractors
Ultimate Touchy Fell Board Books - Diggers, Trucks (Not sure about these. I tend to shy away from the touchy books that can get all sticky and yucky and are hard to clean.)
Look Through Board Books - Bunny on the Beach, Mouse on the Moon, Panda in the Park
Very First Words
Very First Numbers
Things that Move
Sonlight Core Preschool Books
Things People Do
Then and Now
First Thousand Words -- This book is also available in other languages and in sticker book format. All are wonderful and indespensible in learning vocabulary for a new language.
Opposites -- workbook
Shapes -- workbook
What's Under The Sea? -- Now available in the Pocket Scientist Red Book that is internet linked. This book also contains 7 other books from this series and is a great bargain at $8.95 compared to the $4.95 I paid for just this one book from Sonlight. (prices are subject to change.)
Why Do Tiger's Have Stripes? --- See the information above about this book.
Preschool Books
Starting To Measure -- From the same workbook series as Opposites and Shapes. A great introduction to measuring.
Pocket Scientist Red Book and Pocket Scientist Blue Book -- The complete series of science books that are used in Sonlight Science programs PK-1st grade I believe. Only a few titles are ones that Sonlight actually uses but all are wonderful. These books are internet linked and full of wonderful information.
First Encyclopedia of Science (IL)
Ted and Friends
First Dictionary (IL)
Sonlight Science K Books
Finding Out About Everyday Things
First Book of Nature -- This book has been redone by Usborne and is now available in an internet linked format by the title of Pocket Nature. It includes all the same information just in a different order.
Science Activities II
Sonlight Core Kindergarten Books
Children's Encylopedia
Kindergarten Books
First Dictionary -- I prefer this to the one Sonlight uses for K LA but I have both and use both. This one is internet linked though. (I warned you earlier that I loved internet link books -- didn't I?)
Children's IL (that means Internet Linked) Encyclopedia -- I used this in addition to the one Sonlight includes in its Core K program. The difference is the links and there is more information in the internet linked one compared to the regular one.
Stories From Around the World
Children's World Cookbook (IL)
People's of the World (IL)
Tie-A-Bow Book -- great for teaching your child how to tie laces. Lots of different things to practice on and a few surprises too at the end!
Beginning Readers
Frog on a Log
Hen's Pens
Goose on the Loose
Ted's Shed
Toad makes a Road
Ted in a red Bed
Sam Sheep can't Sleep
Fat Cat on a Mat
The books above are phonics lift the flap board books. I prefer the board books because then Kris can read to Zac for practice and I don't have to worry about torn pages. As an added bonus -- my litte one gets more books added to his collection. Most of these are available in regular paperback format as well. These are all in color, regular book format and builds a child's confidence that he is truly reading real stories!!
Fox on a Box
Ted's Shed
Mouse Moves House
Shark in the Park
Big Pig on a Dig
These are more great easy readers from Usborne but are not available in board book format. Oh how I wish Usborne would make them as such!!!
Sonlight Core 1 Books
Coming Soon!
Sonlight Science 1 Books
Coming Soon!
These are the books that I used. Sonlight periodically changes there programs around therefore some of the books listed below may no longer be in use. Please check a current catalog for the correct book lists.
Prices quoted for books is subject to change. The prices mentioned are the prices current of when this information was originally posted. Usborne books, in general, are inexpensive and a great value. For information about prices, availability -- please email me.
If you would like information on recieving a discount on Usborne Books by becoming a consultant or would like to sell Usborne Books, please email for the current specials. You only need to sign up once and your membership as a consultant is good for a life time regardless of how often you order books. That means you can get the 25% discount this year, in 10 years, and then again in 30 and never have to meet a yearly or monthly minimum. (okay exaggerated the years to prove a point -- after all who could wait 10 years to order more books!!)
Baby/Toddler Books
I have been using a lot of the Beginning readers for my little one and haven't purchased a lot of Usborne books for him yet. He loves the easy readers and as a bonus big brother can read them and gets in extra reading practice. He also enjoys the Tie-A-Bow book even though he is too young to understand yet. I only allow my children board books before the age of 2. In addition to these, we own....
Find the Duck (loves this one and wants to read it over and over again. QUACK! QUACK! as Zac calls it.)
Building Site
A friend of mine recommended the following Usborne books for baby and toddler. These look great and I will have to plan on adding some to my collection soon!
Look and Say Board Books - Beach, Farm, Town
First Picture Word Book
That's Not My. series - Car, Truck, Tractor, Train, etc.
Young Farmyard Tales Board Books - Curly the Pig, Wooly the Sheep, The
Red Tractor
Farmyard Tales Touchy Feely - Curly's Friends, Wooly's Walk, Rusty's Bone
Animal Noises (Not sure about these. I tend to shy away from the touchy books that can get all sticky and yucky and are hard to clean.)
Find the - Kitten, Teddy, Puppy
Animal Hide and Seek
Alphabet Book
Young Nature Board Book Series - Horses & Ponies, Baby Animals, Farm Animals
Big Machine Board Books - Trucks, Racing Cars, Planes, Tractors
Ultimate Touchy Fell Board Books - Diggers, Trucks (Not sure about these. I tend to shy away from the touchy books that can get all sticky and yucky and are hard to clean.)
Look Through Board Books - Bunny on the Beach, Mouse on the Moon, Panda in the Park
Very First Words
Very First Numbers
Things that Move
Sonlight Core Preschool Books
Things People Do
Then and Now
First Thousand Words -- This book is also available in other languages and in sticker book format. All are wonderful and indespensible in learning vocabulary for a new language.
Opposites -- workbook
Shapes -- workbook
What's Under The Sea? -- Now available in the Pocket Scientist Red Book that is internet linked. This book also contains 7 other books from this series and is a great bargain at $8.95 compared to the $4.95 I paid for just this one book from Sonlight. (prices are subject to change.)
Why Do Tiger's Have Stripes? --- See the information above about this book.
Preschool Books
Starting To Measure -- From the same workbook series as Opposites and Shapes. A great introduction to measuring.
Pocket Scientist Red Book and Pocket Scientist Blue Book -- The complete series of science books that are used in Sonlight Science programs PK-1st grade I believe. Only a few titles are ones that Sonlight actually uses but all are wonderful. These books are internet linked and full of wonderful information.
First Encyclopedia of Science (IL)
Ted and Friends
First Dictionary (IL)
Sonlight Science K Books
Finding Out About Everyday Things
First Book of Nature -- This book has been redone by Usborne and is now available in an internet linked format by the title of Pocket Nature. It includes all the same information just in a different order.
Science Activities II
Sonlight Core Kindergarten Books
Children's Encylopedia
Kindergarten Books
First Dictionary -- I prefer this to the one Sonlight uses for K LA but I have both and use both. This one is internet linked though. (I warned you earlier that I loved internet link books -- didn't I?)
Children's IL (that means Internet Linked) Encyclopedia -- I used this in addition to the one Sonlight includes in its Core K program. The difference is the links and there is more information in the internet linked one compared to the regular one.
Stories From Around the World
Children's World Cookbook (IL)
People's of the World (IL)
Tie-A-Bow Book -- great for teaching your child how to tie laces. Lots of different things to practice on and a few surprises too at the end!
Beginning Readers
Frog on a Log
Hen's Pens
Goose on the Loose
Ted's Shed
Toad makes a Road
Ted in a red Bed
Sam Sheep can't Sleep
Fat Cat on a Mat
The books above are phonics lift the flap board books. I prefer the board books because then Kris can read to Zac for practice and I don't have to worry about torn pages. As an added bonus -- my litte one gets more books added to his collection. Most of these are available in regular paperback format as well. These are all in color, regular book format and builds a child's confidence that he is truly reading real stories!!
Fox on a Box
Ted's Shed
Mouse Moves House
Shark in the Park
Big Pig on a Dig
These are more great easy readers from Usborne but are not available in board book format. Oh how I wish Usborne would make them as such!!!
Sonlight Core 1 Books
Coming Soon!
Sonlight Science 1 Books
Coming Soon!
Kindergarten Book List
From Life Take 1
This is a list of books compiled from several sources of extra read alouds for Kindergarten. Some I have read, some I am planning on reading, and some I am hoping we get to soon!! Some are sequels to SL Core K books.
Usborne Children's World Cookbook
Usborne People's of the World
Dragons of Blueland
Elmer and the Dragon
Boxcar Children #2-19
Wizard of Oz #2-18
Voyages of Dr. Doolittle
Hero Tales II, III, and IV
Grandma's Attic Sequels
More Poems To Read To The Very Young
Treasury of Fairy Tales
Read Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young
Beverly Cleary Books
Henry Huggins Series
Little House Books
Ralph Moody Books
Stuart Little
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Around the World in 80 Days
Tom Sawyer
Swiss Family Robinson
The Prince and the Pauper
Trumpet of the Swan
Farmer Boy
Narnia Series
Kon Tiki
Burt Dow
Black Beauty
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Books
The Snow Queen
Dot and Tot of Merryland
The Sea Fairies
Pippi Longstocking Series
Littles Series
Secrets of the Canyon
Secrets of the Forest
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
The Secret World of Og
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
Half Magic
Great Brain Series
The Rocking Horse Secret
Choose Your Own Adventure Series
Miss Pickerell series
The Moorchild
Snow Treasure
The Enchanted Castle
101 Dalmations
A Life Just Like Mine
Children Just Like Me
Children Just Like Me Celebrations
Videos to see:
Kids 10 commandments (also called K10C)
This is a list of books compiled from several sources of extra read alouds for Kindergarten. Some I have read, some I am planning on reading, and some I am hoping we get to soon!! Some are sequels to SL Core K books.
Usborne Children's World Cookbook
Usborne People's of the World
Dragons of Blueland
Elmer and the Dragon
Boxcar Children #2-19
Wizard of Oz #2-18
Voyages of Dr. Doolittle
Hero Tales II, III, and IV
Grandma's Attic Sequels
More Poems To Read To The Very Young
Treasury of Fairy Tales
Read Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young
Beverly Cleary Books
Henry Huggins Series
Little House Books
Ralph Moody Books
Stuart Little
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Around the World in 80 Days
Tom Sawyer
Swiss Family Robinson
The Prince and the Pauper
Trumpet of the Swan
Farmer Boy
Narnia Series
Kon Tiki
Burt Dow
Black Beauty
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Books
The Snow Queen
Dot and Tot of Merryland
The Sea Fairies
Pippi Longstocking Series
Littles Series
Secrets of the Canyon
Secrets of the Forest
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
The Secret World of Og
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
Half Magic
Great Brain Series
The Rocking Horse Secret
Choose Your Own Adventure Series
Miss Pickerell series
The Moorchild
Snow Treasure
The Enchanted Castle
101 Dalmations
A Life Just Like Mine
Children Just Like Me
Children Just Like Me Celebrations
Videos to see:
Kids 10 commandments (also called K10C)
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